The Words of My Soul | Destini Taylor | eBook

The Words of My Soul eBook by Destini Taylor

In this description, let’s discuss what “The Words of My Soul,” by Destini Taylor is about.  This eBook is a poetic expression of love and communication in relationships.  Are you lacking love and communication in your relationship?  Do you feel that changes need to be made in your current situation?  Is it possible that you are blocking opportunities to find your soulmate?  What value is your current relationship adding to your life?

Find out the answers to these questions and more with Destini Taylor’s book, “The Words of My Soul.”

To continue, “The Words of My Soul,” by Destini Taylor is a timeline of poetry between 2016 and 2019.  This intimate eBook reveals the evolving relationship between the author and the love of her life.  In 2020, Destini has taken a trip back in time to analyze and comment on her mindset during that time period.  She researches each poem between 2016 and 2019 to determine congruency with her current mindset.  As a result of her research, she provides her audience with purple nuggets regarding love, communication, and relationships.

Secondly, this is the first eBook that Destini has published.

However,  she is certainly no stranger to expressing herself through poetry, short stories, and other creative forms.  As a matter of fact, if you are just getting to know Destini and her creative works, you are in for a real treat.  She is a beacon of love and light.  Her goal is to use her creative mindset to add more value to the world.  Please consider subscribing to the Destini Unfiltered Podcast.  You can also support Destini’s podcast for less than $10 per month.  Your donations help Destini continue to add value and expand her audience.

Consequently, you can preorder your full copy of “The Words of My Soul” today on the DT Network before anyone else views it.  It will officially be released to the rest of the world on February 01, 2021.  You’ll be able to start using Destini’s experiences to reflect on your own methods of communication as it relates to love and relationships.