I Am Random

Hello world and thank you for taking the time to come see me. Well, you can’t actually see me so instead let me say thank you for taking the time to read me. I mean I hope that’s what you’re doing. So here’s the thing. I don’t always appear organized to the public eye because I just say and/or do things as they come to me, but BELIEVE me, I am indeed organized. I’m just extremely random and ridiculous. I live in love and light and I’m basically what you would call an optimist. That doesn’t mean I don’t have days that are annoying. It simply means that I don’t dwell on things. I focus more on solutions. Prime example, this is the SECOND, yes second time that I created this website. Let’s not even go into why it’s the second time. The point of the matter is, I went to the website and discovered that Ummm… it was not there. I was frustrated for about eight minutes and then moved on. Being frustrated about something that had already happened was not going to fix the problem. The only thing that fixed the problem was me taking action and guess what? Now I am here talking to you guys.

Well if you’re reading this today, you’ll notice that there’s not a lot to see on my website right now, but just stay along for the ride and watch the magic happen. Well… that’s what we are going for because I’m building this website by myself. So get excited guys!!! Welcome to the blog of the Official Destini Taylor, or I could have just said ME lol…